Our Director of Care Management, Stacey Padva Maines, gave a talk last week on Hoarding for the North Jersey Senior Network (NNJSN) at the Chelsea Senior Living at Washington Township in Bergen County. The talk was organized by Patricia Linard, a member of the Generations Marketing Department. She also sits on the board of the NNJSN.
Hoarding is an often misunderstood disorder and there are a lot of myths associated with it. Stacey spoke about how to differentiate hoarding from other disorders, what to do when you suspect a resident or a client has a hoarding disorder, what steps to take to help that person, and what to do when you feel that the person is in immediate danger. She outlined a list of resources and experts who can help as well as answered a lot of questions.
Stacey joined Generations in January of 2015. For over 20 years, she has used her passion for advocacy and facilitating communication within families along with her strong clinical training to focus on the needs of our seniors and their families. She has worked in all aspects of long term care including Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living, Continuing Care Communities, Hospice, and Home care. Stacey has served in management positions in social services and marketing as well as the Executive Director of an Assisted Living after receiving her CALA in 2012.
If you suspect a loved one has a hoarding disorder and needs guidance or help, don’t hesitate to contact our office. Family owned and operated for over 35 years, Generations Counseling & Care Management, LLC is a full-service geriatric care management firm that provides care management, advocacy, and psychotherapy services with an integrated, professional, client-centered approach to the needs of the elderly, persons with disabilities, their families, and the caregiving community. Our expert staff are available 24/7 and offer a wide range of services that cover all aspects of elder care including: care management, counseling, psychotherapy, elder care planning, transitional service to senior communities & nursing facilities, services for disabled individuals, benefits counseling, assessments, financial services and management, moving and relocation coordination and much more. If you need more information on our services, please call our office at 201-845-7030.