“Should my father stay at home or does he need assistance?”
“I live 2000 miles from my parents – who can keep an eye on them?”
“Does my wife understand her condition and what she needs to do?”
An Eldercare Consultation can help you or your loved one understand and respond to many of the situations and challenges that confront us.
An Eldercare Consultation can include:
- an evaluation of a client’s medical condition and social and psychological functioning
- an assessment of daily living skills
- an exploration of housing options, legal needs and available local services
- a determination of available benefits as well as financial planning options
- Generations can help you develop a Care Plan that will combine the best use of one’s resources with those available in the community. Together we can achieve our goal…
“To maintain each individual in the least restric tive environment, with the finest quality of life in the most efficient and compassionate manner possible. ”
“It’s one benefit that never runs out.”